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Chuter/Purifina. ;D
~~~ Welcome to the SaintsOfGod, Sogatsu & Equinox Clans Forums!!! ~~~
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Chuter/Purifina. ;D

~~~ Welcome to the SaintsOfGod, Sogatsu & Equinox Clans Forums!!! ~~~

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******** ~ Welcome to the home of ~{SoG}~ Sogatsu, & ~{Eqx}~ Equinox Clans ~ ********
***** Affiliated Clans: Sogatsu, Equinox, SaintsOfGod, Hisatsu, Centurion & DeadlySins. *****
****** ~ Our Home is Yiana Chamber in Rune (Luna) & Golden Chamber in Aden (Shilen). ~ ******
***** ~ Friends, Family, Fun & sticking together is what Sogatsu & Equinox are about!!! ~ *****
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~ Territory Wars SHILEN!!! ~
Rune Siege! {Eqx} (Atk.)
Gludio Siege! {Eqx} (Atk.)
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I forgot my password - ~~~ Welcome to the SaintsOfGod, Sogatsu & Equinox Clans Forums!!! ~~~ EmptyWed Feb 01, 2012 9:33 am by {SoG}Chuter/Purifina

» ~ New website UP!!! ~
I forgot my password - ~~~ Welcome to the SaintsOfGod, Sogatsu & Equinox Clans Forums!!! ~~~ EmptyWed Jan 04, 2012 5:56 pm by {SoG}Chuter/Purifina

» Battlefield 3
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» Starwars The Old Republic
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» ~ Lineage 2 - Goddess of Destruction - Retail - New server - Free 2 play!!! ~
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» GoD Lineage is just to OP!!!
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» OP parachute
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» AA2 Deploy.
I forgot my password - ~~~ Welcome to the SaintsOfGod, Sogatsu & Equinox Clans Forums!!! ~~~ EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 10:12 am by {SoG}Chuter/Purifina

» -{SoG}- Clan / Team AA2
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